Market strategy
With the funding from UROP, we were able to finish the proof of concept prototype, and we are about to finish our final prototype by the end of this quarter. Malaria has been a global issue and drawn enormous attentions from many public sectors and donors everywhere. Our team will reach out more to Non Profit Organizations (WHO, FIND), key donors institutions (The Global Fund, The World Bank), private funders (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), as well as U.S business leaders (Alere, Kimberly-Clark) to collect as much as possible feedbacks and support on current procurement requirement to better develop our device.
Next step is to move on with our patent work and also get ISO and FDA approval. After that we will attend WHO Malaria RDT testing programme. At the end, we hope to be the supplier for WHO and help them eliminate Malaria.

Our niche in the market will be targeting public sectors focusing on Malaria control and Private sectors in Thailand. WHO reported that: “P.falciparum resistance to artemisinin has been detected in five countries of the Greater Mekong regions: Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam”. With the advance of giving out quantitative results, our device can partially help solving this issue. And with current collaboration in Thailand, we believe that this will potentially become our initial market for testing and launching our device.